
Convert Miles/gallon to Litre/100 km


(100 * 4.54609) / (1.609344 * MPG UK)


Imperial measurement of fuel consumption expressing the number of miles covered while consuming 1 imperial gallon.

Formula: (100 * 4.54609) / (1.609344 * MPG UK)

mpg l/100km
1 282.4809363318221586
5 56.4961872663644317
10 28.2480936331822159
25 11.2992374532728863
50 5.6496187266364432
100 2.8248093633182216
150 1.8832062422121477
200 1.4124046816591108
250 1.1299237453272886
500 0.5649618726636443
Other Calculators

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